LanCalculator 2.0 is available for downloading

Jul 04, 2019

We are pleased to announce that we have released LizardSystems LanCalculator 2.0. This is a completely new version rewritten from scratch using Qt. In this release, we have made bunch of improvements in LanCalculator. Now LanCalculator has the next key features:

  • Support for all IPv4 and IPv6 address formats
  • Support for both subnet masks and prefixes
  • Automatic detection of local IP addresses based on network adapters
  • Calculation of parameters for both IPv4 and IPv6 networks
  • IP addresses in binary, octal, decimal or hexadecimal
  • Support for expanded and compressed IPv6 addresses
  • Network type detection
  • Reverse DNS
  • Detection of the address range actually used
  • Creation and export of a list of IP addresses in each subnet
  • Creation and export of a list of subnets

The new version of LanCalculator 2.0 is available for downloading at the program page