Terminal Services Manager
Remote Process Explorer
Remote Desktop Audit
Wi-Fi Scanner
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Release History
July 10, 2008
Remote Process Explorer 1.0 build 14
Fixed: Error when process with childs is terminated
June 22, 2008
Remote Process Explorer 1.0 build 12
Fixed: doesn't use the directory of the previous installation as the default directory presented to the user in the wizard
Fixed: Error when displaying a hint for computer list item
Fixed: It is impossible to add a computer if no computer item is selected.
Fixed: Autoscrolling doesn't work when dragging computer list items.
May 24, 2008
Remote Process Explorer 1.0 build 11
Added Properties of Multiple Items command for computer list
Fixed: Computer sequence changed during drag and drop.
May 22, 2008
Remote Process Explorer 1.0 build 10
Fixed: "msg" instead of error message
Fixed: Trying to connect to remote computer was continuing though connection error had arisen
May 11, 2008
Remote Process Explorer 1.0 build 9
Enabled multiselect in computer list
Added Delete Multiple Items command for computer list
Added Move Multiple Items command for computer list
Added generating unique group name in dialog 'Add new group'
Removed animation 'find computer' in wizard dialog (Vista doesn't show this animation)
Added "Automatically sort" command to pop-up menu
Added "Sort by..." command
Fixed: Memory Usage of process value wasn't shown in column
Added error message if getting process list from remote computer failed.
Added: window size autoadjusting on the first launch
April 6, 2008
Find MAC Address 1.2.3 build 29
Fixed: security issues
April 6, 2008
Remote Process Explorer 1.0 build 8
First public beta
March 28, 2008
Find MAC Address 1.2.3 build 28
Fixed: security issues
March 27, 2008
Find MAC Address 1.2.3 build 27
First public beta
May 19, 2006
LanCalculator 1.0.2 build 30
Fixed: Sometimes decimal representation of IP address was calculated incorrectly