
New Free Wi-Fi Scanner by LizardSystems

Jan 24, 2013

As the adoption of wireless networks for personal and business networks becomes increasingly more rapid, the need for tools which give detailed information about nearby networks has grown. LizardSystems has released a new Wi-Fi Scanner tool, which allows for fast and informative scans of networks in broadcast range using the hardware already present on modern computers. Read more 

Product: Wi-Fi Scanner    802.11 , wi-fi

Configure Windows Firewall using command line

Jul 25, 2011

Let's see manual configuring Windows Firewall using GUI and using command line. Possibilities of configuring Windows Firewall from command line are identical possibilities of configuring from GUI. Using command line allows you create batch file to run on other computers so you can essentially shorten a time spending for configuring firewall on workstations according to your requirements. Read more 

Change (spoof) MAC Address

Jul 24, 2010

You can change your mac address for security reasons or for any other reasons. These programs will help you. Read more 

Find your MAC address

Jul 24, 2010

This article presents network tools that allow you to find and change your mac address. Read more 

Remote Process Explorer 1.0 out now!

Jul 25, 2008

LizardSystems announces the release of Remote Process Explorer, an advanced replacement for Windows Task Manager to allow network administrators controlling processes on both local and remote PCs. Read more 

A Task Manager for Remote PCs

Jul 23, 2008

Are you a system administrator managing multiple computers over a local area network? Leaving Windows Assistance and Remote Desktop Protocol alone, how do you deal with “Application Not Responding” windows on users' PCs? Using Windows Task Manager to terminate stalled processes on a user's computers is surely possible, but requires either physical access to the PC or logging in with RDP or Windows Assistance, which is not always an option. Read more