May 16, 2023
Monitoring failed logon attempts plays a crucial role in maintaining the security of computer systems and networks. By diligently tracking and analyzing failed logon attempts, organizations can strengthen their defense against unauthorized access attempts and potential security breaches. Read more
Product: Terminal Services Manager Remote Desktop Services , terminal services manager , RDS , failed logonsNov 24, 2020
Multiple monitors option allows users to open a Remote Desktop connection expanded across all the monitors on the client computer regardless of a client monitor configuration. Read more
Product: Terminal Services Manager remote desktop , Remote Desktop Services , multiple monitors , multimonAug 02, 2017
By default, RDP restricts the maximum resolution to 4096 X 2048 per monitor. Additionally with multimon, the width and height of each remote monitor can also be restricted. Read more
Product: Terminal Services Manager remote desktop , Remote Desktop Services , RDPAug 02, 2017
The Remote Desktop provides an option to restrict the number of monitors a user can use to connect. By default, RDP protocol supports a maximum of 16 monitors. This number can be restricted to any value between 1 and 16 using one of the following two approaches: Read more
Product: Terminal Services Manager remote desktop , Remote Desktop Services , RDP